
Did you know?

In 1963, "She Loves You", with its flip side, "I'll Get You" by the Beatles is released by Swan Records in the US. Although it was currently number one in the UK, "She Loves You" was ignored in the U.S. until 1964 when it would reach the top of the U.S. pop chart.

Also in 1963, a two-disc bootleg set of Bob Dylan songs, called "The Great White Wonder" first appears in a Los Angeles record store. It's believed to be the first bootleg album and would continue to be in print in various editions for many years.


At 8:23 PM, September 12, 2005, Blogger ScarySquirrelMan said...

so, you can get all the music you want now and never pay if that's "whenever"? can i give you my wish list? man, musicians have got it so easy.


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